Yesssss, our family tradition continues. The Royal Manitoba Winter Fair Day of spring break week. Our first encounter was the horse-mascot-person. Nice to start the day with a bang.

The first place the kids wanted to go was, you guessed it, the baby animal farm.

The bigger kids (Dani, Thomas, & Katie) really got into it. Picked up, petted, mauled, however you'd like to describe it every animal in sight.
Jackson (on the right with Darren) & Cade were not as impressed.

It pecked me!! Get it out'a here!!

Cade was happy to people watch in the stroller. Bunnies, birds, lambs, nothing was that exciting according to Cade.
Jackson didn't mind getting his hands
dirty here. He's a tractor man through and
Cade (and Daddy's) eyes lit up
when we saw the big beer wagon!
Didn't get a picture of the horses
but trust me they are livin' the Dream. Treated like royalty.
No son, those crates are not full of beer,
but it's OK to dream

Auntie Jenny took the girls to get their faces painted.
A look at the results.